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Tenure Track Pro­fes­sor­ship

Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft’s Tenure Track Pro­fes­sor­ship program sup­ports German uni­ver­si­ties in ap­poin­ting and on­boar­ding in­ter­na­tio­nal talents for tenure track po­si­ti­ons by funding the first years of the pro­fes­sor­ship.

The program is for
out­stan­ding re­se­ar­chers from abroad
up to €1.2 million
German uni­ver­si­ties
March 31, 2025 & Sep­tem­ber 30, 2025


Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft’s Tenure Track Pro­fes­sor­ship program sup­ports German uni­ver­si­ties in ap­poin­ting and on­boar­ding scho­l­ars in the R3 career stage from around the globe. It ad­dres­ses a gap in the funding land­s­cape and en­han­ces the com­pe­ti­tiveness of German uni­ver­si­ties in their quest for the best. The program offers in­ter­na­tio­nal scho­l­ars not only the op­por­tu­ni­ty to carry out in­no­va­ti­ve re­se­arch pro­jec­ts in an at­trac­tive working en­vi­ron­ment, but also pro­vi­des re­li­able career per­spec­tives in the German aca­de­mic system.


Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft fi­nan­ces 50% of a Tenure Track Pro­fes­sor­ship. Uni­ver­si­ties can apply for up to €1 million in case of a 5-year tenure track period or up to €1.2 million in case of a 6-year tenure track period. The amount sup­plied by the Foun­da­ti­on must be matched by the uni­ver­si­ty. The Foun­da­ti­on's funds are to be spent in the first half of the tenure track period, the uni­ver­si­ty fi­nan­ces the second half. 10% of the funds must be made avail­ab­le to the pro­fes­sor as dis­cre­tio­na­ry means for his or her re­se­arch project.

Funding can be used for per­son­nel, ma­te­ri­al ex­pen­ses and in­vest­ments as well as on­boar­ding and dual career mea­su­res tailo­red to the can­di­da­te. 

Who is eli­gi­ble?

All German uni­ver­si­ties are eli­gi­ble to apply if they have com­ple­ted an in­ter­nal ap­point­ment pro­ce­du­re or be plan­ning a direct ap­point­ment. Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons can be sub­mit­ted for can­di­da­tes who hold a doc­to­ra­te and have been living and working abroad for at least three years. 

Can­di­da­tes should be pro­mi­sing aca­de­mics who are ranked as leading early career re­se­ar­chers in their re­spec­tive field and whose ori­gi­nal ap­proa­ches have the po­ten­ti­al to in­no­va­te their re­se­arch area. They have gathe­red sub­stan­ti­al in­de­pen­dent re­se­arch ex­pe­ri­ence, have re­le­vant pu­bli­ca­ti­ons or awards to un­der­line their ex­per­ti­se, and have the lea­dership skills to head a re­se­arch team.

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on pro­ce­du­re

Apply for funding in 6 steps

Time from sub­mis­si­on to de­cisi­on: approx. six months




Uni­ver­si­ties can submit ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons once a year via the Foun­da­ti­on's ap­p­li­ca­ti­on portal. Please check the program in­for­ma­ti­on avail­ab­le below for further details. 



Formal check 

The Foun­da­ti­on will carry out a first formal check (in­clu­ding the budget plan). 




Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons undergo an in­ter­na­tio­nal peer review process. In ad­di­ti­on, in­de­pen­dent experts eva­lua­te the pro­po­sed on­boar­ding and dual-career mea­su­res.



Funding recommendations 

On the basis of the ex­ter­nal peer reviews, the Foun­da­ti­on's Re­se­arch Board de­ve­lops funding re­com­men­da­ti­ons. The vote of the Re­se­arch Board is weight­ed at 80%, that of the in­de­pen­dent experts for in­ter­na­tio­nal mo­bi­li­ty at 20%. 




Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft assigns funding based on the Re­se­arch Board’s re­com­men­da­ti­ons. Please note that funding is subject to the avai­la­bi­li­ty of fi­nan­ci­al re­sour­ces.



Funding phase 

After re­cei­ving the Foun­da­ti­on’s ap­pro­val letter, the uni­ver­si­ty has im­me­dia­te access to the funds. The Foun­da­ti­on expects the can­di­da­te to begin the pro­fes­sor­ship within the sub­se­quent twelve months.

