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Appointment Accelerator

The program provides top-up funds for German universities to expedite their appointment negotiations with promising scholars from around the world. 

The program is for
outstanding scholars from abroad
up to €400,000
German universities
October 1, 2024 / March 1, 2025


The program provides top-up funds for German universities to expedite their appointment negotiations with promising scholars (in the R3 career stage) from around the world.


Universities can apply for funding of up to €400,000 if their own funds are not sufficient to conclude the appointment negotiations successfully. The maximum amount of funding that can be applied for may not exceed the costs of staff and equipment provided by the university exclusively for this professorship. The universities are free to use the Foundation's funds for staff expenses and equipment as well as onboarding and dual-career measures. The funds must be spent within the first four years of the tenure track period.

Who is eligible?

All German universities currently in negotiations to appoint a promising international academic to a tenure track professorship are eligible to apply. Each university can submit one application per call. Applications can be submitted for candidates who hold a doctorate and have been working outside of Germany for at least three years at the time of application.

Application procedure

Four steps to funding

Time from submission to decision: max. three months




Applications can be submitted via the Foundation’s web portal. Please check the program information available below for further details.



Formal check 

The Foundation will carry out a first formal check (including the budget plan). 




Funding is awarded on the basis of (a) the reviews submitted by the universities and (b) an external assessment of the proposed onboarding and dual-career measures




The Foundation will announce its decision no later than three months after the application deadline. 

Applications for 2024 can be submitted via our application portal until October 1, 2024. For 2025, applications are expected to be due on March 1 and October 1, 2025. 

From application to approval
If you would like an introduction to our online application process, Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft will be running two information sessions: on August 15 from 10 to 11 am and on September 9 from 2 to 3 pm. 

To register for one of these sessions, please email: info@w-s-w.org.

