Student Grantee
©Bogdan Ma­liz­kiy
Student Grant

54 pro­mi­sing stu­dents receive grants from Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft

Wübben Foun­da­ti­on Grants worth €550 per month have been awarded to 54 stu­dents from the start of the winter se­mes­ter

Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft is sup­por­ting 54 stu­dents with one-year student grants worth €550 per month from the start of the winter se­mes­ter. The grants will enable stu­dents in the final phase of their degree pro­grams to con­cen­tra­te fully on their re­se­arch. The re­ci­pi­ents come from 14 dif­fe­rent coun­tries, in­clu­ding India, Iran, Spain, and the USA, and re­p­re­sent a range of dif­fe­rent subject areas, es­pe­ci­al­ly biology, physics, en­gi­nee­ring, and me­di­ci­ne. 

The Wübben Foun­da­ti­on Student Grant laun­ched last year with a cohort of 30 re­ci­pi­ents. “Thanks to the fi­nan­ci­al support from the Foun­da­ti­on, I was able to focus com­ple­te­ly on my re­se­arch,” says Ma­rie­a­tou Daniels, one of last year’s re­ci­pi­ents. “I have co-autho­red an article in the highly re­spec­ted Nature journal and now have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to conduct re­se­arch in leading neu­ro­sci­ence labs at Harvard and in London.” Other achie­ve­ments by the first cohort of gran­tees include more ar­ti­cles in sci­en­ti­fic jour­nals, suc­cess­ful project ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons to re­se­arch or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons, and further funding. “The suc­ces­ses of last year’s stu­dents high­light the great po­ten­ti­al of these budding re­se­ar­chers,” says Oda Henckel, Program Manager Student Grants. “We are curious to see where their future careers will take them.” As well as fi­nan­ci­al support, the Foun­da­ti­on offers the stu­dents further trai­ning, for example on how to present their re­se­arch topics.

The program is tar­ge­ted at out­stan­ding stu­dents in all di­sci­pli­nes who are en­rol­led on a ba­che­lor’s or master’s degree program at a German uni­ver­si­ty and still have two se­mes­ters ahead of them. Can­di­da­tes need to de­mons­tra­te a keen in­te­rest in the key re­se­arch ques­ti­ons in their field and be pre­pa­red to pursue un­con­ven­tio­nal ap­proa­ches. They are no­mi­na­ted by the spo­kes­per­sons of the Clus­ters of Ex­cel­lence.

Oda Henckel
Program Manager Student Grants
+49 30 261031316,

Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft is a private grant-making foun­da­ti­on based in Berlin. It aims to streng­t­hen Germany’s po­si­ti­on as a science and re­se­arch lo­ca­ti­on by sup­por­ting out­stan­ding aca­de­mics at various career stages. Its Ap­point­ment Ac­ce­le­ra­tor and Tenure Track Pro­fes­sor­ship pro­grams promote the ap­point­ment of pro­mi­sing in­ter­na­tio­nal aca­de­mics. The results of the funding de­cisi­ons in these two pro­grams will be an­noun­ced early next year.