Nord Stream 3
Please Irritate Me discussion series

Be­ne­dikt Hartl: Order and ir­ri­ta­ti­on

Mar 25

07:00 pm

Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 2. Hof / Eingang H1, 10179 Berlin

Whether he is drawing up plans to trans­form Buck­ing­ham Palace into af­ford­a­ble housing, de­si­gning a hotel made from sec­tions of the Nord Stream 2 pipe­line, or a plastic re­cy­cling plant instead of an ocean museum, Be­ne­dikt Hartl’s designs tend to ir­ri­ta­te people. In con­ver­sa­ti­on with Peter-André Alt, he ex­p­lains how brea­king the rules can foster in­no­va­ti­on and why we need a radical rethink in con­struc­tion and urban plan­ning. 

“Being ir­ri­ta­ting is a busi­ness princip­le at Op­po­si­te Office,” says Be­ne­dikt Hartl, talking about his ar­chi­tec­tu­re studio. Op­po­si­te Office’s pro­jec­ts are global sen­sa­ti­ons and, on oc­ca­si­on, in­ter­na­tio­nal TV crews have stood outside the firm’s Munich office to report on its latest designs. But for Be­ne­dikt Hartl, media at­ten­ti­on is not an end in itself. His aim is to raise the profile of ar­chi­tec­tu­re as a power­ful force for crea­ti­vi­ty in social trans­for­ma­ti­on pro­ces­ses and to spark debates about sustai­na­bi­li­ty. His designs chal­len­ge current stan­dards and seek radical so­lu­ti­ons to social and en­vi­ron­men­tal chal­len­ges, such as climate change. Genuine sustai­na­bi­li­ty, he points out, does not require tech­no­lo­gy or laws – it calls for more in­tel­li­gent use of exis­ting re­sour­ces and a wil­ling­ness to chal­len­ge exis­ting stan­dards and promote the con­ver­si­on of exis­ting buil­dings rather than the con­struc­tion of new ones. As well as at­trac­ting media at­ten­ti­on, Hartl’s ar­chi­tec­tu­ral designs have earned him insults and per­so­nal cri­ti­cism. In this in­ter­view he ex­p­lains how he tackles these chal­len­ges and talks about the daily con­tra­dic­tions he en­coun­ters in his work as an ar­chi­tect. 

In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with die Junge Aka­de­mie
Further in­for­ma­ti­on about the dis­cus­sion series can be found here.

Benedikt Hartl
©Kathrin Herwig

Be­ne­dikt Hartl

Be­ne­dikt Hartl studied ar­chi­tec­tu­re in Munich, Oslo, and Dar es Salaam. Before setting up his own ar­chi­tec­tu­re studio, Op­po­si­te Office, in 2017, he worked for several years as an ar­chi­tect and project manager in studios in Paris, Zurich, and Munich. His firm, which has won several in­ter­na­tio­nal awards, ad­dres­ses issues at the in­ter­sec­tion between the en­vi­ron­ment, po­li­tics, and society. Hartl’s work has been pu­blished and ex­hi­bi­ted in over 100 coun­tries. He has been a uni­ver­si­ty lec­tu­rer since 2014, tea­ching at uni­ver­si­ties in Germany, Sweden, Japan, and Ireland. In 2023 he was ac­cep­ted into Die Junge Aka­de­mie.

Notice to au­di­ence re­gar­ding film and pho­to­gra­phic re­cord­ings
Please note that our events are di­gi­tal­ly re­cor­ded and/or pho­to­gra­phed. By at­ten­ding, you ack­now­ledge and agree to grant Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft and its part­ners the right to di­gi­tal­ly record, film, pho­to­graph, or capture your li­keness during the event and to dis­tri­bu­te, broad­cast, use, or other­wi­se dis­se­mi­na­te such media in per­p­etui­ty without any further ap­pro­val from you.

Please ir­ri­ta­te me! dis­cus­sion series

In this dis­cus­sion series we look forward to being ir­ri­ta­ted, along­si­de our au­di­ence, by unusual re­se­arch ques­ti­ons, ori­gi­nal ap­proa­ches, and the latest re­se­arch fin­dings. As well as delving into in­di­vi­du­al re­se­arch topics, we are in­te­rested in ex­plo­ring the fun­da­men­tal ques­ti­on of how new ideas are born in science and re­se­arch. Join us to meet re­se­ar­chers who are fol­lo­wing new paths, who chal­len­ge us with their re­se­arch, and who offer up fresh per­spec­tives on growing sci­en­ti­fic know­ledge. Further in­for­ma­ti­on about the dis­cus­sion series can be found here.