External Evaluation

Independent experts evaluate the onboarding and dual-career measures included in applications for the Appointment Accelerator and Tenure Track Professorship programs. In the case of the Tenure Track Professorship program, an additional scientific evaluation is carried out by peer reviewers. 

Experts on international appointments

Onboarding measures are key to the successful integration of international researchers at German academic institutions. Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft therefore regards these measures as an important part of its programs. Onboarding is defined in a broad sense and includes all activities that serve to successfully integrate international academics into their new workplace.

The following international experts evaluate the onboarding measures included in applications:

Hans-Dieter Daniel 
University of Zurich & ETH Zürich, Prof. em. for Quantitative Research on Higher Education, evaluation research, research on peer review
Universities and internationalization strategies, evaluation research

Mark de Vos
University of Copenhagen, International Staff Mobility (ISM)
Onboarding and integration, President of the International Dual Career Network (ICDN)

Cathleen Fisher
Former President of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, former Executive Director of the German-American Fulbright Commission

Donia Lasinger
Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
Program Manager, Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators (recruitment of international academics), dual career service support

Madeleine Lüthy Schenk
ETH Zürich, Personnel Development and Leadership
Head of Consulting for Professors, dual career negotiations and social integration offers for new international appointments

Terhi Mölsä
Fulbright Finland Foundation
Strategic leadership and management, international education

Martina van de Sand 
Van de Sand Consulting, academic consulting
Career development and internationalization 

Kathrine Vangen     
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, International Senior Adviser, researcher support
Cross-border mobility, internationalization strategy, organizational and policy development