Collector's Pieces

In our Collector's Pieces video series we present a selection of discussions, interviews, and lectures by renowned academics.

#1 Hannah Arendt

In April 1963, the first episode of the now legendary German television series called “Zur Person” aired for the first time. On October 28, 1964, Günter Gaus interviewed Hannah Arendt. Looking back, he would say about this encounter that it was the best interview he had ever conducted.

Benjamin List

#2 Benjamin List

Benjamin List received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2021. The enthusiasm for his specialist field - catalysis research - is not only palpable in the lecture hall at TU Dortmund University.

Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

#3 Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

The developmental biologist and Nobel Prize winner is both a pioneer and a role model. In her lecture, she reviews the stages of her own research activities, which reflect the almost universal themes of modern genetics.

Werner Heisenberg

#4 Werner Heisenberg

“The Meaning of Beauty in Exact Natural Science” is the title of a lecture delivered by the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970 on the connection between scientific thought and intuitive aesthetic experience.

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